Mobile Reflexology
Reflexology treatment stimulates blood circulation, improves the functioning of various body systems, brings balance and helps the natural healing power of the body and soul.
Reflexology helps treat a variety of medical problems such as: headaches, digestive disorders, hormonal disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, sleep disorders, heart and blood pressure problems, muscle pain and respiratory problems.
Reflexology therapy can be applied to pregnant women, children, adults and elderly, which makes it a proposed method of treatment for all ages.


Reflexology is one of the most powerful and effective methods of complementary medicine and helps treat a variety of medical problems including headaches, digestive disorders, hormonal disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, sleep disorders, heart and blood pressure problems, muscle pain and respiratory problems.

Reflexology can also help detoxify and stimulate the immune system, relieve tension and bring balance and general relaxation.

Suffering from back pain? Migraines? Indigestion? Breathing problems? Other medical problems? Going through a difficult and stressed period? Experiencing fears and concerns?
You’re not alone!

Reflexology diagnosis and treatment helps to restore balance and calm to life and allows to try and serve as a treatment of medical problems and to bring relief of physical and mental pain.

In addition, reflexology provides a deep and relaxing experience for anyone looking for a pleasant and indulgent treatment.

The sessions are taking place at the comfort of your own home!

60 minutes session…. £70.00
45 minutes session…. £60.00

I cover most areas in London
For bookings outside the areas I cover, please ask for availability and prices.

Yaron Tzvi

My name is Yaron Tzvi. I am a professional reflexologist and a graduate of the Reidman International College for Complementary and Integrative Medicine.

Since I was a child, I have felt deeply connected to the healing power and energy of a massage. Over the years, I have gained great satisfaction from being able to help my family to relieve stress and pain through foot massage.

The Reflexology world has long held a fascination for me.  A strong desire to help and bring relief to a wider range of people has led me to study and become a specialist in complementary medicine.

Today, I combine the advantages and effectiveness of Reflexology, along with my knowledge of natural nutrition and a healthy diet, to help alleviate a range of medical problems and conditions.

As a spiritual person who believes in a natural and healthy lifestyle, I balance holistic energy with a healthy body. This combination guides me and enables me to create my own method of treatment.

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